Wednesday, February 20, 2008

This and That

Hey dudes and dudettes,

I have little swatches of things to write about, but nothing to blow up into a whole post, so howsabout I just ramble directionlessly for a while, mmkay?

Ramble 1: The Oscars are coming! (I think... have they decided to go ahead with the glitz thing now that the strike is over?) I suggested to my sister/housemate that we host an Oscar party, and her shootdown was twofold: a) had we seen ANY of the movies nominated in major categories?; and, b) exactly who would be on the guest-list? My responses were, respectively, "uhh..." and, everybody I know in town (ie. the three people I work with). But I don't think I'm one to let trifling issues like lack of guests or lack of interest in the proceedings get in the way of a good party. [Red carpet preshow + Jon Stewart] x 2 fruity drinks + Internet connection = vaguely relevant blog post. That's entertainment, folks.

The Ramble Strikes Back: Giant Tiger is coming! I've been excited about this for some time, actually, but nobody in Nova Scotia seems to get why this is so great. And, you know, it probably isn't that great in the long run, and I'll probably be really disappointed (or my excitement will be short-lived, at least) once the Halifax location opens, but... it's like the retail equivalent of that bad movie that's become a personal favourite by virtue of all the dumb catchphrases and inside jokes it's spawned. I've been going around telling people, "Giant Tiger's coming to Halifax" and doing my little celebration dance, and those people look politely interested and ask what Giant Tiger is, and then I feel a little silly saying, "Well, it's this, um, discount store... but dude, it's awesome..." So, yes, Giant Tiger is a discount store. For several months before we moved out here, my family was inundated (in some cases quite literally) with disasters large and small. A trip to the local Giant Tiger, to wander meditatively amongst the cheap, imperfect clothing, became a key part of the recovery ritual. I usually didn't even buy anything--though I did, occasionally, make a good find--but they were constantly getting new stock, and it was fun just to look, like being a kid with a box of dress-up clothes. Expect to be updated when the new location opens.

Return of the Ramble: Spring is coming...? I have had my fill of boots, and I'm ready for winter to end. Please, please, can I get out my open-toed shoes soon?


none said...

I'm also waiting anxiously for the return of no socks!

jeff said...

If it makes you feel any better, Korea doesn't have any Giant Tigers either, though apparently one of the fancy hotels downtown has a pet tiger in their restaurant.