Friday, January 18, 2008

OK, more than a couple of days...

So: want style advice? Send your fashion dilemmas to Feel free to send pictures of outfits you want evaluated, pleas for guidance, comments about fads and faux-pas spotted... Just, please, if you are sending images, be respectful of others' privacy and copyright, and do not share anything without appropriate permissions. If you would prefer to keep your name and/or face out of the limelight, please say so in your email and we'll crop/blur/assign a pseudonym/whatever. I'll post replies weekly or as often as I get mail--whichever makes more sense based on the level of response.

Oh, and I welcome suggestions for a catchy little title. Anyone?


jeff said...

I think it needs to be something with a sort of either/or mentality, much like a hot/not list.

So I propose:

"Lovely or fugly?"

Quick, easy to remember, and it almost rhymes, too.

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Jeff's suggestion. It assumes a sense of duality I don't think really exists in a healthy fashion sense. I would prefer something more constructive that reflects the true complexity of style.

However, if Jeff volunteers for the Lovely or Fugly game, I'd be happy to vote.