Friday, December 14, 2007

Silly Me...

After over two months without posting, I was recently told to "either update [my] blog or put it out of its misery". I'm not sure if anyone, other than the person quoted, actually even checks up on it anymore--why bother, if I'm not even going to? Anyway, I took stock and realized that I didn't really have that fresh, dewy enthusiasm for the project that I started out with; life had gotten a bit complicated, the fashion industry a bit discouraging... In short, I had been given my ultimatum, couldn't think of anything to write about at that moment, and hit the delete button.

Apparently, that was not the expected response, and now Dear Reader demands that I "write!" so I have fished my URL out of the river Styx... with not a scrap of text left on its bones. I will try to re-post my original musings, but I suspect the dates will be a little jumbled; please bear with me.

From now on, I will try to post more than quarterly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read!
I check!
I love!